December 9, 2021/ Healthcare /by Vagisha Arora

Hospitals are one of the most critical foundations and frameworks for a healthy and safe society. However, as the amount of data that hospitals are expected to track continues to increase exponentially, manually keeping track of organizational data is becoming more challenging than ever.

Due to the high-risk situations hospitals are usually placed in, human or administrative errors due to manual data collection and analysis can be potentially life-threatening. Therefore, many hospitals are beginning to take advantage of the power of workflow automation.

A workflow is defined as how business processes are conducted using organizational resources. Workflow automation can have many benefits for hospitals, such as increased efficiency and consequent productivity. Studies show that 97% of IT decision-makers stated that business process automation is crucial for digital organizational transformation.

How Automated Workflows Make Hospitals More Efficient

1) Better Data Accessibility

One of the most crucial aspects of healthcare provision is accessing patients personal and medical data with minimal time delays. Errors or significant time delays can be potentially life-threatening and can be highly detrimental to the job satisfaction of your healthcare institution’s healthcare providers.

Low-code automation tools can help your hospital create cloud-based, centralized data repositories that store all necessary information in one place. Crust’s open-source low-code platform is equipped with powerful data-rich dashboards and data reporting tools.

2) More Reliable Documentation Systems

Automation tools can automatically fill out and store necessary documentation related to billing systems and legal compliance-related paperwork. Manually keeping track of physical documents is not only time-consuming and impractical but can also lead to medical and administrative errors that will affect your organization’s productivity in the long run.

3) Faster Medical Diagnostics

Artificial intelligence and automation systems can help hospitals detect illnesses at earlier stages and expedite necessary medical diagnostics. Furthermore, automation tools can help automatically generate patient care plans, recommended prescriptions and ultimately improve the quality of patient care.

4) Digital Healthcare Accessibility

As digital technology continues to evolve, many patients expect to contact their healthcare providers remotely using enterprise applications or automated communication systems. Therefore, your hospital can utilize automation tools to generate and send appointment reminder notifications automatically, implement chatbot messages and collect patient feedback.

Crust- Automate Various Healthcare Processes

Crust’s open-source, low-code software solutions are the perfect tools to help your hospital automate a wide variety of business processes and workflows. Automated workflows can help your hospital improve data accessibility, implement more reliable documentation systems, detect illnesses at earlier stages, utilize faster medical diagnostics, and provide digital healthcare systems.

Crust’s low-code platform is equipped with data-rich dashboards that provide a comprehensive overview of patient data and personal information, end-to-end automation engines, advanced graphic visualization, chart-making tools, and much more. Try a demo of Crust low-code so that your hospital can take advantage of the new-age technology to make organizational workflows more efficient than they ever were.

Tags: automation, Business Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Efficiency, Healthcare, Strategy, Workflows



Planet Crust
Planet Crust

Written by Planet Crust

Planet Crust is the creator and driving force behind Corteza, a 100% open-source low-code, rapid app development, business process and integration platform.

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