Crust has rebranded as Planet Crust
Crust has rebranded as Planet Crust as we embark on the next step of our journey towards achieving our vision. 🚀
✔️ We’ve already broken the barrier to creating critical business and operational applications by creating a powerful low-code platform — Corteza.
✔️ We’ve also broken down the barrier to the technology itself by making Corteza free and accessible in all respects.
✔️ We’ve broken the the deployment barrier. Corteza can be deployed either locally or internationally, on the cloud or on your own servers.
✔️ And we’ve broken down the ownership barrier, i.e. who has ownership rights to the apps you build on Corteza. They belong to you!
🌍 With Planet Crust, we’re taking aim at the next barrier — the data barrier.
Read the full article to find out more about Planet Crust.