May 18, 2023/ Featured, Open-Source /by Mariya Koleva

Choosing the right open-source license for your software project can be a daunting task, as there are numerous licenses to choose from. However, one of the most popular and widely used open-source licenses is the Apache License. The Apache License is a permissive license that allows users to use, modify, and distribute Apache-licensed software without imposing any significant restrictions on how the software can be used. In this article, we will explore the advantages of the Apache 2.0 license over other open-source licenses and why you should choose it for your open-source project.

Open-Source: An Overview

Open-source software refers to software that is made available with its source code and can be freely used, modified, and distributed by anyone. Some examples of popular open-source software projects are: Corteza, Apache HTTP Server, Linux Operating System, MySQL Database, WordPress, and more. Open-source software has become increasingly popular over the years, as it allows developers to collaborate on software projects, share their knowledge, and build better software for everyone.

Apache License: An Overview

Apache is one of the most popular open-source licenses, and it has been adopted by thousands of open-source projects. The Apache License is a permissive license that allows anyone to use, modify, and distribute Apache-licensed software, without imposing any significant restrictions on how the software can be used. It was first created in 1999 by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) designed to be a more flexible and business-friendly alternative to the restrictive GNU General Public License (GPL). Unlike the GPL, the Apache license does not require derivative works to be licensed under the same terms.

The Apache License has since become one of the most widely used open-source licenses in the world, powering many popular software projects such as the Apache HTTP Server, Hadoop, and Lucene. It has been adopted by many companies and organizations, including Google, IBM, and the United States government.

Differences between Apache License 1.0 and 2.0

The two most commonly used versions of the Apache License are Apache License 1.0 and Apache License 2.0. The main differences between Apache License 1.0 and 2.0 are as follows:

Patent clause: Apache License 2.0 has a patent clause that explicitly grants users a license to use any patents held by the contributors to the software. Apache License 1.0 does not contain such a clause.

Termination clause: Apache License 2.0 includes a termination clause that allows the license to be terminated if a user files a lawsuit alleging patent infringement. Apache License 1.0 does not contain such a clause.

Attribution requirements: Apache License 2.0 includes more explicit attribution requirements than Apache License 1.0.

Disclaimer of warranty: Apache License 2.0 includes a more extensive disclaimer of warranties than Apache License 1.0.

An Apache License 2.0 is considered more permissive and comprehensive than Apache License 1.0. It is also the most commonly used version today, as it provides better protection for both contributors and users of open-source software.

Apache 2.0 License vs. Other Open-Source Licenses

The Apache 2.0 License is just one of many open-source licenses available to developers. Here, we will compare the Apache License with some of the other Apache 2.0 License popular open-source licenses and discuss the advantages it has over each of them:

GPL License

The GNU General Public License (GPL) is a popular open-source license that requires any derivative works to be licensed under the same terms as the original work. This means that any software that includes GPL-licensed code must also be released under the GPL. The GPL is designed to ensure that software remains free and open-source, and it has become a cornerstone of the free software movement. However, the GPL can be too restrictive for developers who want to build commercial products based on open-source code. The Apache 2.0 License is more permissive than the GPL License, making it a better choice for developers who want to build commercial products.

MIT License

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology License (MIT) is a permissive open-source software license that allows the licensee to use, modify, copy, distribute, and sell the licensed software with very few restrictions. This license is often referred to as a “permissive” or “liberal” license because it imposes very few limitations or conditions on the use of the licensed software. The Apache 2.0 License is more explicit in terms of legal protections and requirements for contributors than the MIT License. The Apache 2.0 License includes a patent license, trademark protection, explicit contribution terms, and is more compatible with other open-source licenses. The MIT License, on the other hand, has a simple attribution requirement, does not have explicit patent or trademark protection, and does not have explicit contribution terms.

BSD License

The Berkeley Source Distribution License (BSD) is a permissive open-source software license that allows the licensee to use, modify, copy, distribute, and sell the licensed software with very few restrictions. This license is similar to the MIT License in terms of its permissive nature. However, the BSD License does not include explicit patent, trademark, or contribution terms. The Apache 2.0 License provides more explicit legal protections and requirements for contributors than the BSD License.

MPL License

The Mozilla Public License (MPL) is a free and open-source software license that is designed to be compatible with other open-source licenses. The MPL includes explicit patent, trademark, and contribution terms, making it similar to the Apache 2.0 License in terms of legal protections and requirements for contributors. However, the MPL is more restrictive than the Apache 2.0 License in terms of how it handles derivative works. The MPL requires that any changes to the code be made available under the MPL or a compatible license, which can limit the use of MPL-licensed code in commercial products.

EPL License

The Eclipse Public License (EPL) is an open-source software license that is designed to be compatible with other open-source licenses. The EPL includes explicit patent, trademark, and contribution terms, making it similar to the Apache 2.0 License in terms of legal protections and requirements for contributors. However, the EPL is more restrictive than the Apache 2.0 License in terms of how it handles derivative works. The EPL requires that any changes to the code be made available under the EPL or a compatible license, which can limit the use of EPL-licensed code in commercial products.

Examples of successful open-source projects that have used the Apache 2.0 License

There are many open-source projects that have benefited from the Apache 2.0 License. Here are a few examples:

Apache Hadoop: Hadoop is a popular framework for distributed storage and processing of large data sets. It is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License and has benefited greatly from this license as it has allowed for easy adoption and commercialization of the software. The license also allows for Hadoop to be used in proprietary software without requiring those software products to be open-sourced.

Apache Tomcat: Tomcat is an open-source web server and servlet container. It is also licensed under the Apache 2.0 License and has benefited from the permissive nature of the license. This has allowed for easy integration with other software products and has contributed to its widespread adoption.

Apache Cassandra: Cassandra is a distributed database system that is designed to handle large amounts of data across multiple servers. It is also licensed under the Apache 2.0 License and has benefited from the license’s flexibility in terms of commercial use and integration with other software products.

Apache Spark: Spark is a popular distributed computing framework for big data processing. It is also licensed under the Apache 2.0 License and has benefited from the license’s permissive nature. This has allowed for easy adoption and integration with other software products, contributing to its widespread use in the big data industry.

An Apache 2.0 License has been instrumental in the success of many open-source projects, allowing for easy adoption, integration, and commercialization of software products.

Examples of when the Apache 2.0 License would be the best choice for a project

Open-source software libraries: The Apache 2.0 License is often used for open-source software libraries, which are designed to be reused in other projects. This license allows users to modify and distribute the library while maintaining attribution to the original author.

Collaborative software projects: The Apache 2.0 License is ideal for collaborative software projects where multiple contributors may be involved. This license provides clear guidelines for how the code can be used and modified, which helps to avoid conflicts between contributors.

Commercial software: The Apache 2.0 License is compatible with commercial software, making it a good choice for projects that may be used in commercial applications. This license allows for the licensed software to be included in proprietary software, as long as the copyright notice and license terms are included.

Cloud services: The Apache 2.0 License is often used for software projects that are deployed as cloud services, such as web applications or APIs. This license allows for the software to be used and modified, as long as the license terms are followed.

An Apache 2.0 License is a flexible and permissive open-source license that is a good choice for many types of software projects. Its compatibility with commercial software and clear guidelines make it a popular choice for collaborative and open-source projects.

Why an Apache 2.0 license is the best license for a low-code app development platform

The Apache 2.0 license is the best license for a low-code app development platform due to its permissive terms, patent grant, business-friendly nature, and community support:

  • A permissive license allows developers to modify and distribute the code without many restrictions, encourages community contributions, and facilitates integration with other tools.
  • The patent grant helps to reduce legal risks, encourages collaboration and innovation, and builds trust among users.
  • The business-friendly nature of the license allows for commercial use of the software, protection of trademarks, interoperability, and attracts investors.
  • Finally, the community support provided by the license encourages collaboration and innovation among developers and contributors, which can result in more rapid development and a larger pool of resources for users.

An Apache 2.0 license can help to create a more open, collaborative, and flexible environment for low-code app development, leading to more innovation, faster development, and a better user experience for those using the platform.

Unlock the Power of Apache 2.0 License and Corteza for Your Business

Are you looking for a powerful open-source platform that can help you build and deploy custom business applications, automate processes, and manage data? Look no further than Corteza. Corteza is a low-code platform licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, which means that you can take advantage of its features while benefiting from the license’s many advantages.

With Corteza, you can easily:

  • create custom applications tailored to your business needs without extensive coding experience, thanks to its drag-and-drop application builder
  • streamline and automate business processes with an intuitive visual workflow builder
  • connect with other software tools and services through APIs and pre-built integrations
  • build applications that can grow with your business while maintaining robust security and data privacy.

What’s more, Corteza is backed by a large and active open-source community, which means that you can benefit from the contributions and expertise of other developers and users. You can improve and extend the platform to meet your needs, making it a great choice for businesses of all sizes.

If you are interested in learning more about licensing for open-source software, download our ebook “Apache 2.0 license Тhe best choice when deciding which open-source platform to use” today. With this ebook, you can gain a deeper understanding of the advantages of the Apache 2.0 License and how it can benefit your business.

Planet Crust is the principal creator and developer of the Corteza open-source low-code platform, licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. We provide training, support, hosting, and production services to help organizations leverage modern digital solutions to further their business. Try Corteza for free today and experience the power of Apache 2.0 license and open-source technology.

Tags: Open source



Planet Crust

Planet Crust is the creator and driving force behind Corteza, a 100% open-source low-code, rapid app development, business process and integration platform.